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New Stuff!: For Sale Model Railroad Items For Sale
Welcome! I'm a model railroader who is constantly working on his craft. Sometimes I run into problems I need to solve by building a tool first, and thanks to modern technology I can offer this tool to other modelers who have the same problem. At other times, I'm building something unique just because I can't get what I want. Maybe I can make my little corner of the world a better place by offering you the chance to buy something?
Please e-mail me at puckdropper at yahoo dot com to order any of these items. Since every item is unique, it may take a few days to get the item ready to ship.
More items are coming, so please check back occasionally! I'm hoping to have a HO Scale house finished soon!

Coupler Jig - $1.50, Shipping included*
When body mounting a Kadee box, I often have to determine how large of shim I need to mount the box at the correct height. This jig puts the box where it needs to be in order to get an accurate measurement between the bottom of the car and the top of the coupler box. Only the white item in the foreground is included. Kadee coupler, coupler box, and screw can be included for an additional $1.
Due to manufacturing tolerances, this gauge should not be used as a substitute for the Kadee height gauge.
If ordered with other items, fifty cent ($.50) discount applies.
Kadee coupler, coupler box, and screw can be included for an additional $1.
*Shipping included in United States only.
Tool Holders

Small Tool Holder - $25, Shipping included*
Ideal for repair work, this tool holder has plenty of room for screwdrivers. Storage for up to 10 screwdrivers is provided and the screwdriver insert is removable for easy retrieval of dropped items.
Four slots for hand tools like pliers are provided. These slots are ideal for storing needle nose pliers, wire strippers, or any other common tool used in locomotive and rolling stock repair.
Here's a photo of the one I currently have sitting on my bench.
Tool holder measures 3.5" deep by 4.1" wide by 3.27" tall.
Multiple colors are available, please ask about color choices when you order.
*Shipping included in United States only.

Large Tool Holder - $30, Shipping included*
When wiring locomotives or doing electronics work, I found I often needed more tools like wire strippers and needle nose pliers. I also needed small tools such as tweezers. This larger storage box has been designed with those needs in mind.
A total of 12 slots are provided: 6 slots for pliers and wire strippers, 2 medium slots for brushes or solder suckers, and 4 small slots for tweezers. Screwdriver storage is included and will hold a total of 12 screwdrivers. The screwdriver insert is removable for easy retrieval of dropped items.
When wiring locomotives, I found I often needed more tools such as wire strippers and needle nose pliers. As such, the smaller tool holder I use for repair did not provide enough space or storage options for my tools. This larger version addresses those issues by providing screwdriver storage, 6 slots for storing pliers, 2 slots for storing larger items like a solder sucker, and 4 small slots for storing tweezers, scissors, or other small tools.
Tool Holder measures 4.93" deep by 5" wide by 3.29".
*Shipping included in United States only.
Swimming Pools

Empty Pool - HO Scale - $15, Shipping included*
When summertime comes, who doesn't look forward to a nice dip in the pool? These pools are sold empty so you can position people or debris and really make your layout pop. Each pool is two layers and can be printed in a variety of sizes and scales.
Use Woodland Scenics water products or Unreal Details Realistic Water to add water to the pool. You MUST seal the bottom first, which can be accomplished using a thin layer of Woodland Scenics Realistic Water.
*Shipping is included in the United States only.

Green Pool - HO Scale - $45, Shipping included*
What pool owner hasn't seen this at least once in their pool's life? Until they learn how to take care of their pool (pst...
Trouble Free Pool is a great place to start) this is too often the result.
Pool size is an HO scale 27' in diameter.
This is a one of a kind item, once it goes it's gone!
*Shipping is included in the United States only.

Man in Green, Lady in Lavender Pool - HO Scale - $45, Shipping included*
This is a smaller pool, an HO scale 15 ft in diameter. A man wearing green swimming trunks and his lady, wearing a lavender bikini are escaping the summer heat as they take a brief swim under water.
This is a one of a kind item, once it goes it's gone!
*Shipping is included in the United States only.

The Race - HO Scale - $45, Shipping included*
The chase is on! Can our man in the black swim trunks catch up to his wife in pink, or will she win the race to the edge of the pool first? She's got a pretty good head start, but our man is strong! Who do you think will win?
The pool is an HO scale 27' in diameter.
This is a one of a kind item, once it goes it's gone!
*Shipping is included in the United States only.

Swirling Pool - HO Scale - $45, Shipping included*
Look at those leaves on the surface! The wind has begun to blow and the sky is getting darker. Best not swim today, foul weather's on its way!
The pool is an HO scale 27' in diameter.
This is a one of a kind item, once it goes it's gone!
*Shipping is included in the United States only.

N Scale - $45, Shipping included*
This is a small N-scale pool. The water's a little agitated, but someone just jumped in and got out. Maybe they're going for another jump? Splash!
This is a one of a kind item, once it goes it's gone!
*Shipping is included in the United States only.

Solo Swim - $45, Shipping included*
With a green swim cap and yellow bathing suit, this lady's enjoying her time solo in the pool. Add someone relaxing on a deck nearby or grilling some hamburgers to complete the scene!
This pool is a HO Scale 15' in diameter.
This is a one of a kind item, once it goes it's gone!
*Shipping is included in the United States only.
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