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Puckdropper has scored 288 goals and 349 assists in his lifetime.

Looking at a 4x8 with a little math

Just how big is the once ubiquitous 4' by 8' layout? As many layout builders have found out, not very. Let's take a look at how things scale out.

(Caution: technical paragraph.) Assuming HO scale, with a scale factor of 87.1:1, where 87.1' in scale equals 1' full size. Going from full size to scale is a matter of multiplying by 87.1, while going from scale to full size requires division by the same factor. Calculating the final column was done using the values in the "Actual" column. Calculated numbers are shown to 2 decimal places.

Description Actual Scale feet Scale inches Number to fill 4'
Layout width 348.4' 4' 48 n/a
Layout length 696.8' 8' 96 n/a
4x8 sheet of plywood4' x 8'.046' x .092' .55 x 1.1087.1, 43.55
Semi Truck 65' .75' 9 5.36
Average Boxcar 40' .46' 5.5 8.71
Single Road Lane 12' .14' 1.7 29
Two Lane Road 30' .34' 4.13 29
30x50 Building 30' x 50' .34' x .57' 4.13 x 6.9 11.61, 7
Golden Gate Bridge 6463.25' 75.29' 890.5 .054
1 Mile 5280' 60.7' 727.43 .065
Pitcher's mound to home plate See note 60.6' .70' 8.35 5.75

Note: 1 mile just happens to scale out to approximately the distance from the pitcher's mound to home plate.

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