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In the last few posts, the various uses and usage of a test light was discussed. To wrap up the series, we'll cover a couple uses that might not be obvious.

When installing block detection, it is sometimes useful to have a way to trip the detector without messing with a train. As long as the test light draws more current than the block detector needs to trip, it will trip the detector. Simply place the test light leads across the rails so the light lights.

Need to temporarily connect two rails? (i.e. To test if making a connection will fix the problem.) Simply connect the test light straight through just like it was a wire. The light may glow a little bit, but power will pass through. As more current is drawn, the light will glow brighter. (This is simply connecting a light bulb in series.)

There are likely many more non-obvious uses for the test light, but these are two I've found most useful. Additional uses can be suggested in the comments.

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