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Bachmann F unit decoder installation

Bachmann standard series diesels have use the same motor drive with many different shells. Some more modern locomotives have circuit boards for lighting and transfering power from the front to rear. This locomotive contains such a circuit board, but it is a homemade copy containing a White LED headlight circuit. (This circuit was printed in the April 2000 issue of Model Railroader.) The unit also has wires to connect to other locomotives to share the power picked up from the rails. These installation pictures are to show the flexibility of the T1 decoder.

Installation consists of breaking the traces to the headlight circuitry, disconnecting the motor from track pickups, and connecting the decoder according to the instructions.

The "quiet drive" feature of the T1 decoder quiets the noisy motor, and the Rule 17 headlight feature allows the headlight to dim appropriately.

Pic 1: Before decoder installation

Pic 2: Trimmed harness

Pic 3: Finished installation

Note: These pictures have been submitted to TCS for use on their webpage. If they wish to use them, that's great!

This post has been edited at 2008-01-28 19:56:10

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