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Puckdropper has scored 289 goals and 351 assists in his lifetime.

Update to 0.6!

Version 0.6

1. Status is shown by making "Log in" and "Log out" change accordingly.
2. Bug with magic quotes appears to be eliminated. Apparently some of the regression testing introduced a unstable combination of escaped text.
3. Fixed bug where new category names when posting would not be recognized. "new" would be displayed in its place.
4. Registration page now requires password to be confirmed before registration.
5. DB password is no longer hard coded in page code.
6. Administrator has access to new user admin functions.
7. New Feature! User Administration.
8. New Feature! Password Changing!
9. New Feature! Unregistration! (Indicates the user has unregistered in the comments.)
10. Admin post page now has the first category checked by default.
11. New Feature! Anonymous comments!
12. Settings are now kept in the database, rather than a settings file.
13. New Feature! Users can view past postings of comments.
14. Logged in users now no longer have a name field displayed. (If they changed the name field to something different previously, it would not show up in the "view comments I've posted" option.)
15. Blank usernames and passwords are not allowed. Registration and login pages should reflect this change.
16. Admins can change blog colors.

This post has been edited at 2007-05-21 05:15:29

Track rework

Track rework

The Garden Railway (TGR) has been taken up with the intent of reworking the ground underneath and properly ballasting the track. The rails are currently in storage, while unfavorable weather keeps track crews from working. Track supervisor Puckdropper hopes the rain will end soon so he can get the ground work finished.

Plow Finished

For immediate release--Puckdropper's Place announced that the snow plow they've been working on has been finished. If it snows this winter after the track rework has finished, The Garden Railway will be ready to clear the line.

Providing the power to clear the line will be a new Aristo-Craft RS3. If necessary, TGR will have the assistance of "the owner's touch" which is a big hand from the sky.

Patch to 0.5.1


1. Fixed magic quotes configuration error and bug.
2. Updated domain name code to reflect new domain name.

Milestone reached

Milestone Reached
by Green Bean (who's not a Pea)

Puckdropper's Place Car shops reached one of the final milestones in building their snow plow. This plow, along with a dedicated track crew, will allow Puckdropper's Place to run trains all through winter.

According to an internal memo, the milestone reached was putting the car frame and body on trucks for the first time. While the car isn't ready for service, the shop plans to have it ready by the first snow fall.

With temeratures in this area about 10 degrees below normal, the unseasonably cool trend has continued leaving many to wonder what the Winter will bring. I, for one, wish Puckdropper's Place the best with their snow plow project.

This post has been edited at 2006-09-10 21:27:32

This post has been edited at 2006-10-03 00:49:57

This post has been edited at 2006-11-13 01:21:34

Blog version 0.5 released!

Version 0.5

1. Fixed bug on delete category page where first category was not displayed.
2. HTML 4.01 Transitional Validation

Blog version 0.4 released!

Version 0.4

1. Fixed category error where categories would get truncated.
2. Duplicate user names are detected on the registration page and user is notified of that case.
3. Updated redirects so they use completely relative URLs.
4. Moved redirect code to a single file.
5. New Feature! Stand alone links are supported and the option is now presented on the index page.
6. Fixed category error where new posts had the category "new" rather than what was entered.
7. New Feature! Implemented category delete feature.
8. Fixed post page bug where selecting an existing category would put the post in a new NULL category.
9. Added code to prevent SQL query attacks
10. New Feature! Co-administrators
11. Admin status is checked for all admin pages.

Rail News 3-13-06

Puckdropper's Place Announces Acquisition of new rail line
by Pear E. White

In a much anticipated move by analysists, Puckdropper's Place announced their acquisition of the Long and Short Lines, a small railroad consisting of only two locomotives and a handful of freight cars. The LSL interchanges with the Northeast Indiana N-scale railroad, which has been a source of traffic for the industries served by the LSL.

In the deal, Puckdropper's Place acquired all the assets and liabilities of the LSL, and agreed to interchange agreements with the Northeast Indiana N-scale railroad. The former owners of the LSL recieved $250 million in return.

The former owner of the LSL, Paul Tree, stated, "It was time for me to move to other employment opportunities. I am happy Puckdropper's Place was willing to take over and maintain the railroad we worked so hard to build."

Tornado Rips Through Newly-Acquired LSL
by Pear E. White

The day after Puckdropper's Place acquired the Long and Short Lines, a tornado ripped up the road and much of the grass next to the track of the LSL. The tornado, which struck at 4:42 pm, was classified an F1 on the Fujita scale. Minor damage was done to the track, but the road leading to many line-side industries was completely destroyed.

Three I Times To Change Name
by Jonah Arch

The Three I Times, which is the paper publishing this article, announced their plans to dedicate their coverage to Puckdropper's Place, Inc's railroad operations, and change their name to Puckdropper's Place Post.

No plans have been made to change the details of the charter of the Three I times at this time.

This post has been edited at 2006-07-08 02:11:56

Editorial: Inclement Weather Slows Progress on Garden Railway

Puckdropper's Place has been promising us they would have permanent rail service soon. Soon has come and gone, and we still don't have permanent rail service. I spoke with my cousin's uncle's aunt's brother's father's relative, and he told me that the weather has been too bad. Work crews cannot get anything done, and I believe them. Just look at Weather Underground's Dopplar Radar Image.

I saw work crews out this week, so I'm hoping for the best. I look forward to the first run of the LGB Porter, my favorite locomotive. I already have tickets to the first running of the locomotive, when ever that may be. So, local residents, don't fret. I'm sure we'll see rail service soon.

Wai Ting
Ashley, IN

This post has been edited at 2006-07-08 02:11:59

This post has been edited at 2006-11-13 01:22:07

Press Release: Puckdropper's Place acquires rail, ROW.

Puckdropper's Place, Inc announced today the purchase of one box of 8 ft diameter Aristocraft track as well as 4 36 inch straight sections. This is one of the final steps in President Puckdropper's goal to have trains running outdoors by Christmas.

Puckdropper's Place also annouced an agreement with the Land Maintenance and Operations Manager (MOM), where if the railroad is unable to be maintained or operated, the right of way will revert to its original use.

Puckdropper's Place Annouces Completion of LGB Porter Rebuild

View of Porter in the shop
LGB Porter #3 sits on the inspection track after passing inspection. In the foreground are two cars being cleaned and rebuilt.

Mr. Puckdropper's goal of having operational trains by Christmas is well on its way. Today Puckdropper's Place announced the completion of their LGB Porter #3 locomotive rebuild, having passed all inspections. The locomotive was purchased for scrap value along with a gondola and cabin car. The locomotive rebuild took 9 months, including machining a new side rod and obtaining a new wheel cover from the manufacturer.

When work on #3 was finished, shop crews started to check and rebuild the gondola and cabin car acquired with the locomotive. The process involved seperating the car bodies from their frames and trucks, and cleaning the exterior. The shop crew believes they can have the cars ready in order to fulfill Mr. Puckdropper's goal.

This post has been edited at 2006-07-08 01:54:56

This post has been edited at 2006-07-08 02:10:10

This post has been edited at 2006-11-13 01:22:11

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