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Puckdropper has scored 289 goals and 351 assists in his lifetime.

Update to 0.6!

Version 0.6

1. Status is shown by making "Log in" and "Log out" change accordingly.
2. Bug with magic quotes appears to be eliminated. Apparently some of the regression testing introduced a unstable combination of escaped text.
3. Fixed bug where new category names when posting would not be recognized. "new" would be displayed in its place.
4. Registration page now requires password to be confirmed before registration.
5. DB password is no longer hard coded in page code.
6. Administrator has access to new user admin functions.
7. New Feature! User Administration.
8. New Feature! Password Changing!
9. New Feature! Unregistration! (Indicates the user has unregistered in the comments.)
10. Admin post page now has the first category checked by default.
11. New Feature! Anonymous comments!
12. Settings are now kept in the database, rather than a settings file.
13. New Feature! Users can view past postings of comments.
14. Logged in users now no longer have a name field displayed. (If they changed the name field to something different previously, it would not show up in the "view comments I've posted" option.)
15. Blank usernames and passwords are not allowed. Registration and login pages should reflect this change.
16. Admins can change blog colors.

This post has been edited at 2007-05-21 05:15:29

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