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Puckdropper has scored 289 goals and 351 assists in his lifetime.

Track rework

Track rework

The Garden Railway (TGR) has been taken up with the intent of reworking the ground underneath and properly ballasting the track. The rails are currently in storage, while unfavorable weather keeps track crews from working. Track supervisor Puckdropper hopes the rain will end soon so he can get the ground work finished.

Plow Finished

For immediate release--Puckdropper's Place announced that the snow plow they've been working on has been finished. If it snows this winter after the track rework has finished, The Garden Railway will be ready to clear the line.

Providing the power to clear the line will be a new Aristo-Craft RS3. If necessary, TGR will have the assistance of "the owner's touch" which is a big hand from the sky.

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