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Puckdropper has scored 289 goals and 351 assists in his lifetime.

Blog version 0.4 released!

Version 0.4

1. Fixed category error where categories would get truncated.
2. Duplicate user names are detected on the registration page and user is notified of that case.
3. Updated redirects so they use completely relative URLs.
4. Moved redirect code to a single file.
5. New Feature! Stand alone links are supported and the option is now presented on the index page.
6. Fixed category error where new posts had the category "new" rather than what was entered.
7. New Feature! Implemented category delete feature.
8. Fixed post page bug where selecting an existing category would put the post in a new NULL category.
9. Added code to prevent SQL query attacks
10. New Feature! Co-administrators
11. Admin status is checked for all admin pages.

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