Ice Rink2017-02-05 00:00:00
Experiment 3: Rink Lights
Preface:A friend and I were playing hockey, and we noticed how dark it was on the shooting end.
Rope Lights on the netting will increase the brightness of the area and be worthwhile.
Rope lights put out about the same amount of light as Christmas icicle lights, and since I already have them, I might as well use them. Attaching the rope lights will require something other than the netting to attach to, as the netting is already sagging under its own weight. It will be necessary to run some sort of wire rope line to support not only the rope lights but the netting.
A wire rope line was woven along the top "squares" of the netting. It was pulled as taught as possible, which resulted in the netting sagging much less. The rope lights were then zip tied to the wire rope. An extension cord was attached to one end.
The icicle lights provided a soft glow and festive atmosphere, but did not provide all that much extra light on the shooting end. Light spilling out on the outside of the rink may make it easier to track pucks that have been shot out, so the icicle lights were left up.
Ultimately, a halogen light head was screwed to the top of the net post and the light was pointed towards the net area. This provided the needed illumination.