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Puckdropper has scored 289 goals and 351 assists in his lifetime.

Press Release: Puckdropper's Place acquires rail, ROW.

Puckdropper's Place, Inc announced today the purchase of one box of 8 ft diameter Aristocraft track as well as 4 36 inch straight sections. This is one of the final steps in President Puckdropper's goal to have trains running outdoors by Christmas.

Puckdropper's Place also annouced an agreement with the Land Maintenance and Operations Manager (MOM), where if the railroad is unable to be maintained or operated, the right of way will revert to its original use.

Puckdropper's Place Annouces Completion of LGB Porter Rebuild

View of Porter in the shop
LGB Porter #3 sits on the inspection track after passing inspection. In the foreground are two cars being cleaned and rebuilt.

Mr. Puckdropper's goal of having operational trains by Christmas is well on its way. Today Puckdropper's Place announced the completion of their LGB Porter #3 locomotive rebuild, having passed all inspections. The locomotive was purchased for scrap value along with a gondola and cabin car. The locomotive rebuild took 9 months, including machining a new side rod and obtaining a new wheel cover from the manufacturer.

When work on #3 was finished, shop crews started to check and rebuild the gondola and cabin car acquired with the locomotive. The process involved seperating the car bodies from their frames and trucks, and cleaning the exterior. The shop crew believes they can have the cars ready in order to fulfill Mr. Puckdropper's goal.

This post has been edited at 2006-07-08 01:54:56

This post has been edited at 2006-07-08 02:10:10

This post has been edited at 2006-11-13 01:22:11

III Times Charter

Charter and purpose statement:
The III Times is established with the intention and purpose of:
a) Providing railroad news to its readers
b) Covering railroads in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, or states directly connected to them.
c) Covering railroads placed in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa or states directly connected to them.
d) Increasing the enjoyment of the garden railroads of the writers and readers of the III Times.

Publishing Guidelines:
1) Subjects covered should be of interest to the region covered by the III Times.
2) No experience or permission necessary to publish.
3) Articles do not need to be published at regular intervals or by deadlines.

If on-line image storage is needed, please email puckdropper@yahoo.com to request it. Also, please keep the image size (in both disk space and screen size) limited.

Version 0.3 Released!!!


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First Major Release

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First Version

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